Publicaciones del Equipo de Riego y Fisiología del estrés
Gálvez-Sola L., García-Sánchez F., Pérez-Pérez J.G., Gimeno V., Navarro J.M., Moral R., Martínez-Nicolás J.J., Nieves M. 2015. Rapid estimation of nutritional elements on citrus leaves by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Frontiers in Plant Science. 6 (on-line)
Dodd I.C., Huber K., Pérez-Pérez J.G., Puértolas J., Wright H., Blackwell M. 2015. The importance of soil drying and re-watering in crop responses to deficit irrigation. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66(8):2239-2252
Pérez-Pérez J.G., Dodd I.C. 2015. Sap fluxes from different parts of the rootzone explain the response of xylem ABA concentration to rewatering part of the rootzone. Journal of Experimental Botany. (on-line)
Navarro J.M.; Falivene S. 2015. Physiological and nutricional responses of Navel orange trees to different irrigation and fertigation practices. Acta Horticulturae. 1065:1739-1747
Pérez-Pérez, J.G.; Robles, J.M.; Botía, P. Response of ´Star Ruby´grapefruit trees to deficit irrigation during different stages of fruit growth: effects on water relations, yield and fruit quality. Proceedings of the International Society of Citriculture. (En prensa)
Porras I, Pérez-Pérez, J.G., García-Lidon A, Sánchez-Baños M, Conesa A, Pérez-Tornero O. 2015. Selection and field evaluation of three new cultivars of lemon in the south-east of Spain. Acta horticulturae nº 1065 vol. 1. 273-276
Navarro J.M.; Rodríguez-Morán M., Andujar S., Porras I. 2015. Foliar and root application of potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate to Citrus macrophylla seedlings under NaCl stress. Acta Horticulturae. 1065:1749-1756
Pérez-Pérez, J.G., Robles, J.M., Botía, P. 2015. Response of ‘Star Ruby’ grapefruit trees to deficit irrigation during different stages of fruit growth: Effects on water relations, yield and fruit quality. Acta horticulturae nº 1065 vol. 1. 273-276
Pérez-Pérez, J.G., Brumós, J, Gómez-Gómez, A.G., Botía, P. Talón, M., Colmenero-Flores, J.M. 2015. Transcriptional profile analysis of young and mature leaves of citrus trees acclimated to salinity. Acta horticulturae nº 1065 vol. 2. 1359-1369
Galvez-Sola, L., García-Sánchez, F., Pérez-Pérez, J.G., Navarro J.M., Moral, R., Nieves, M. 2015. Estimación rápida de nutrientes foliares en cítricos por espectroscopía de reflectancia en infrarrojo cercano (NIRs). XIV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas. Alicante. Actas de Horticultura. 71:286-289
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