Publicaciones del Equipo de Riego y Fisiología del estrés
ROBLES, J.M. et al.: "Changes in Drip IrrigationWater Distribution Patterns Improve Fruit Quality and Economic Water Productivity in Early-Season Lemon Trees"
BOTÍA, Pablo: "Las raíces, a la luz con inteligencia artificial"
VISCONTI, F. et al.: Decision support system for selecting the rootstock, irrigation regime and nitrogen fertilization in winemaking vineyards: WANUGRAPE4.0
NAVARRO, Josefa M., ANTOLINOS, Vera, BOTÍA, Pablo and JROBLES, Juan M. Deficit Irrigation Applied to Lemon Trees Grafted on Two Rootstocks and Irrigated with Desalinated Seawater
ROMERO, Pascual et al.: "Evaluation of the Effect of Water Stress on Clonal Variations of Cv. Monastrell (Vitis vinifera L.) in South-Eastern Spain: Physiology, Nutrition, Yield, Berry, and Wine-Quality Responses"
Romero P.; Botía P.; del Amor, F.; Gil, R.; Flores-Villamil P.,Navarro J.M. 2019. Interactive effects of the rootstock and the deficit irrigation technique on wine composition, nutraceutical potential, aromatic profile, and sensory attributes under semiarid and water limiting conditions. Agricultural Water Management. 225:1-17
Navarro J.M.; Morte, A. 2019. Mycorrhizal effectiveness in Citrus macrophylla at low phosphorus fertilization. Journal of Plant Physiology. 232301-310
Romero P., Botía P., Navarro J.M. 2018. Selecting rootstocks to improve vine performance and vineyard sustainability in deficit irrigated Monastrell grapevines under semiarid conditions. Agricultural Water Management. 209:73-93
Pérez-Pérez, J.G.; Navarro, J.M.; Robles, J.M.; Dodd, I.C. 2018. Prolonged drying cycles stimulate ABA accumulation in Citrus macrophylla seedlings exposed to partial rootzone drying. 2018. Agricultural Water Management. 210:271-278
Robles, J.M.; Botía, P.; Pérez-Pérez, J.G. 2017. Sour orange rootstock increases water productivity in deficit irrigated ‘Verna’ lemon trees compared with Citrus macrophylla. Agricultural Water Management. 168:98-107
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