Publicaciones del Equipo de Riego y Fisiología del estrés
Pérez-Pérez, J.G.; Syvertsen, J.P.; Botía, P., García-Sánchez F. 2007. Leaf water relations and net gas exchange responses of salinized Carrizo citrange seedlings during drought stress and recovery. Annals of Botany. 100:335-345
Syvertsen, J.P.; Pérez-Pérez, J.G.; Botia, P.; García-Sánchez, F. 2007. Water relations and net gas exchange of salinized Carrizo citrange seedlings during drought stress and recovery. HortScience. 42(4):849-849
Pérez-Pérez, J.G.; Romero, P.; Navarro, J.M.; Botía, P. 2008. Response of sweet orange cv ‘Lane late’ to deficit irrigation (DI) in two rootstocks. II: Flowering, fruit growth, yield and fruit quality. Irrigation Science. 26(6):519-529
Pérez-Pérez, J.G.; Romero, P.; Navarro, J.M.; Botía, P. 2008. Response of sweet orange cv ‘Lane late’ to deficit irrigation (DI) in two rootstocks. I: Water relations, gas exchange and vegetative growth. Irrigation Science. 26(5):415-425
Pérez-Tornero O., Tallón C.I., Porras I., Navarro J.M. 2009. Physiological and growth changes in micropropagated Citrus macrophylla explants due to salinity. Journal of Plant Physiology. 166:1923-1933
Pérez-Pérez J.G., J.M. Robles, J.C. Tovar, P. Botía. 2009. Response to drought and salt stress of lemon ‘Fino 49’ under field conditions: Water relations, osmotic adjustment and gas exchange. Scientia Horticulturae. 122:83-90
Pérez-Pérez, J.G.; Robles, J.M.; Botía, P. 2009. Influence of deficit irrigation in phase III of fruit growth on fruit quality in ‘lane late’ sweet orange. Agricultural Water Management, 96:969-974
Rubio, J.S.; García-Sánchez, F; Flores P.; Navarro J.M.; Martínez V. 2010. Yield and fruit quality of sweet pepper in response to fertilisation with Ca2+ and K+. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 8:170-177
Navarro J.M., Garrido C., Flores P., Martínez V. 2010. The effect of salinity on yield and fruit quality of pepper grown in perlite. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 8:142-150
Navarro J.M., Pérez-Pérez J.G., Romero P., P. Botía. 2010. Analysis of the changes in mandarin fruit quality produced by deficit irrigation treatments. Food Chemistry. 119:1591-1596
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