Publicaciones del Equipo de Riego y Fisiología del estrés
Botía, P.; Navarro J.M.; Cerdá, A.; Martínez, V. 2005. Yield and fruit quality of two melon cultivars irrigated with saline water at different stages of development. European Journal of Agronomy. 23:243-253
Pérez-Pérez, J.G.; Porras, I.; García-Lidón, A.; Botía, P. Y García-Sánchez, F. 2005. Fino lemon clones compared with the lemon varieties Eureka and Lisbon on two rootstocks in Murcia (Spain). Scientia Horticulturae. 106:530-538
Navarro J.M.; Flores, P.; Carvajal, M.; Martínez, V. 2005. Changes in quality and yield of tomato fruits with ammonium, bicarbonate and calcium fertilization under saline conditions. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 80:351-357
Romero, P.; Navarro, J.M.; Pérez-Pérez, J.G.; García-Sanchez, F.; Gomez-Gomez, A.; Martinez, V.; Botia, P. 2006. Deficit Irrigation and rootstock: their effects on water relations, vegetative development, yield, fruit quality and mineral nutrition of clementine mandarin. Tree Physiology. 26:1537-1548
García-Sánchez, F.; Pérez-Perez, J.G.; Botia, P.; Martinez, V. 2006. The response of young mandarin trees grown under saline conditions depends on the rootstock. European Journal of agronomy. 24(2):129-139
Navarro J.M.; Flores, P.; Garrido, C.; Martínez, V. 2006. Changes in the contents of antioxidant compounds in pepper fruits at different ripening stages, as affected by salinity. Food Chemistry. 96: 66-73
Romero P., García J., Botía P. 2006. Cost benefit analysis of a regulated deficit irrigated almond orchard under subsurface drip irrigation conditions in southeastern Spain. Irrigation Science. 24(3):175-184
Romero P., Botía P. 2006. Daily and seasonal patterns of leaf water relations and gas exchange of regulated deficit-irrigated almond trees under semiarid conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 56:158-173
García-Sánchez F., J. P. Syvertsen, V. Gimeno, P. Botía, J.G. Perez-Perez. 2007. Differences in water relation, gas exchange parameters and leaf mineral concentration responses to flooding and drought stress in two contrasting citrus rootstock seedlings. Physiologia Plantarum. 130(4):532-542
De La Hera M.L., P. Romero, E. Gómez-Plaza, A. Martínez. 2007. Is partial root-zone drying an effective irrigation technique to improve water use efficiency and fruit quality in field-grown wine grapes under semiarid conditions?. Agricultural Water Management. 87:261-274
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