Publicaciones del Equipo de Riego y Fisiología del estrés
Romero P., P. Botía, M. Keller. 2017. Hydraulics and gas exchange recover more rapidly from severe drought stress in small pot-grown grapevines than in field-grown plants. Journal of Plant Physiology. 216:58-73
Robles, J.M.; Botía, P. Pérez-Pérez, J.G. 2016. Subsurface drip irrigation affects trunk diameter fluctuations in lemon trees, in comparison with surface drip irrigation. Agricultural Water Management. 165:11-21
Pérez-Pérez, J.G.; Robles, J.M.; García-Sánchez, F.; Botía, P. 2016. Comparison of deficit and saline irrigation strategies to confront water restriction in lemon trees grown in semi-arid regions. Agricultural Water Management. 164:46-57
Romero P., Jose Ignacio Fernández-Fernández, Rocío Gil Muñoz, Pablo Botía. 2016. Vigour-yield-quality relationships in long-term deficit-irrigated wine grapes grown under semiarid conditions. Theor. Exp. Plant Physiol. 28:23-51
Romero P., José García García, Jose Ignacio Fernández-Fernández, Rocío Gil Muñoz, Francisco del Amor Saavedra, Adrián Martínez-Cutillas. 2016. Improving berry and wine quality attributes and vineyard economic efficiency by long-term deficit irrigation practices under semiarid conditions. Sci. Hort. 203:69-85
Keller, M., Romero, P., Gohil, H., Smithyman, R.P., Riley W.R., Casassa, L.F., Harbertson, J.F.. 2016. Deficit irrigation alters grapevine growth, physiology, and fruit microclimate. Am. J. Enol. Vitic 67. 4:426-435
Romero P., Fernández-Fernández J.I., Botía P. 2016. Interannual climatic variability effects on yield, berry and wine quality indices in long-term deficit irrigated grapevines, determined by multivariate analysis. International Journal of Wine Research. 8:3-17
Romero P., Fernández-Fernández JI, Bravo-Cantero AF, Ayala MC, Botía P. 2016. Climate Influences on Yield, Berry and Wine Quality in Monastrell Wine Grapes in a Warm Winegrowing Region (Jumilla Area, SE Spain). Geoinformatics and Geostatistics: An overview. 4:3
Romero P., Gil Muñoz R., Fernández-Fernández J.I., del Amor F.M., Martínez-Cutillas A., García-García J. 2015. Improvement of yield and grape and wine composition in field-grown Monastrell grapevines by partial root zone irrigation, in comparison with regulated deficit irrigation. Agricultural Water Management. 149:55-73
García-Sánchez F., Simón I., Lidón V., Manera F.J., Simón-Grao S., Pérez-Pérez J.G., Gimeno V. 2015. Shade screen increases the vegetative growth but not the production in ‘Fino 49’ lemon trees grafted on Citrus macrophylla and Citrus aurantium L. Scientia Horticulturae. 194:175-180
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